      Founded in 1994, FAF is dedicated to the development and manufacture of electrical connectors and precision components. The products are used in consumer electronics, home appliances, automotive electronics, and industrial control. A plurality of manufacturing plants in Kunshan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Yueqing, Dongguan, Guangdong, has developed solutions provider for precision components and product technology research and development in one of the large-scale production.
      In addition to the key investment in the electrical connector industry, FAF has also increased investment in precision industrial components and chip packaging and other technical fields. In the future, we will continue to focus on technological innovation and gradually develop into an industry leader.
     Technical superiority
      Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Covers precision high-speed stamping, micro-injection molding, automated continuous assembly and other fields.
     Industry advantage
      China Model Association and the members of the National Standardization Committee undertake a number of science and technology projects. Led the preparation of the "electrical connector progressive die technology", "continuous insert injection molding technical conditions" industry standards, participate in the development of "Die term" national standard。
     Overall solution
      Pursue value creation. Focus on precision mold technology, advanced manufacturing technology, smart manufacturing methods of research and development, the customer's ideas, programs, achieve transformation.
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